Communicative experiences?

I´d like you to participate actively in the making of this blog. It´s all about English! If you have suggestions, ideas, activities, ... this is the place! Make the English language as communicative as possible. Include your experiences as a speaker or as a learner. Everything you include to enrich this blog will be be appreciated.

jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013



Think Green 


1.- What do you think is /are  the most important environmental issue(s) at school at the moment?

2.- Why do you think it´s / they are important?

3.- What can we do to solve it / them?


1. Comprender la información general y específica de programas de audio  sobre el medio ambiente.

2. Participar en conversaciones y simulaciones breves sobre los problemas medioambientales que están en nuestro entorno más inmediato: el instituto. Buscar  las estrategias necesarias para resolver las dificultades (de comprensión/expresión) durante la interacción.

3. Comprender la información general y específica de algunos ensayos sobre problemas medioambientales y  una reseña sobre el libro de Al Gore, “Una verdad incómoda” y un texto sobre el calentamiento global.

4. Redactar con cierta autonomía un poster / anuncio /texto breve donde expresen su opinión sobre la manera de cómo solucionar los problemas medioambientales.

5. Usar las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación con cierta autonomía para buscar información, producir textos a partir de modelos, enviar y recibir mensajes de correo electrónico, y para establecer relaciones personales orales y escritas, mostrando interés por su uso.


1.- Posters:

·         Lists of “do´s” and “don’ts” to help our school environment and PUT (FROM THE CEILING) them on the school building walls/ (Posters: Listas de cosas que debemos / no debemos hacer para mejorar el medio ambiente en el instituto y colgarlos en las paredes del instituto)

·         Set of RULES: Different coloured bins to recycle and publish them in the school magazine / Reglas: contenedores de colores para reciclar: Dibujarlos y presentarlos al instituto a través de la revista del mismo

2.- An oral presentation to the school - PP (class by class / parents´meetings) / Presentación oral al resto de los miembros de la comunidad educativa

·         Awareness:: Where does the litter come from?  /  Does graffiti get the walls dirty or are they an art expression? Toma de conciencia: ¿De dónde viene la basura? / ¿Los graffitis ensucian las paredes o son una expresión de arte?

·         Why do we litter /  paint graffiti? Not enough bins? / ¿Por qué arrojamos la basura / pintamos graffitis?

·         What problems does litter / graffiti cause? / ¿Qué problemas causa la basura / los graffitis?

·         Alternatives to have a “green school”. How can we improve the situation? / Alternativas para tener un “colegio respetuoso con el medio ambiente”. ¿Qué podemos hacer para mejorar la situación?

3.- Write a formal letter to the school´s headmaster/mistress /Carta formal al(a) director(a):

·         Telling him/her about the problem / Decir cual es el problema

·         Asking him / her to spend money on different containers to recycle / Pedirle dinero para contribuir a la compra de los contenedores de colores


·       Interview your headmaster /mistress about littering at school / painting graffiti on the walls and what it can be done to improve the situation (Write 6 to 8 questions). // Entrevistar al director/a del instituto (6 a 8 preguntas) sobre los problemas medioambientales que padecemos (especialmente graffiti y la basura)

·       Then, write a report for your school magazine. / Finalmente, escribir un reportaje con los resultados de la entrevista en la revista del instituto.

·         LEVEL

4º ESO











El alumno contribuye de forma positiva ofreciendo ideas, haciendo preguntas, respondiendo y ayudando a resolver los problemas que surgen

El alumno contribuye de forma positiva pero no defiende claramente sus ideas dentro del grupo

El alumno contribuye pocas veces de forma positiva y no respeta las opiniones de los demás

El alumno contribuye poco o nada  al trabajo del grupo. Se limita a seguir instrucciones de los compañeros. No respeta las opiniones de los demás


El alumno respeta y sigue las indicaciones para realizar las rotaciones en los grupos. Desempeña el rol que le corresponde con responsabilidad

El alumno respeta y sigue las indicaciones para realizar las rotaciones en los grupos, pero le falta liderazgo en el  desempeño del rol que le corresponde

El alumno no comprende o es reticente a seguir respeta y las indicaciones para realizar las rotaciones en los grupos. Desempeña en parte algunos de los roles que le corresponde

El alumno no sigue las instrucciones y / o no desempeña el rol que le corresponde generando algún conflicto (organización o liderazgo) dentro del grupo.


El alumno organiza de forma individual el trabajo que le corresponde y lo presenta a sus compañeros claramente.

El alumno organiza de forma individual el trabajo que le corresponde pero tiene dificultades para hacerse comprender.

El alumno organiza parcialmente el trabajo que le corresponde y lo presenta a sus compañeros con dificultad

El alumno no organiza de forma individual el trabajo, improvisa y no consigue explicar claramente su rol en el grupo


Gráficos y fotos se corresponden con el contenido del proyecto. Refuerza de forma creativa la información. El tipo de letra y color invitan a su lectura. Claramente organizado sin errores de gramática u/y ortografía.

Gráficos y fotos se corresponden con el contenido del proyecto, pero la información se presenta algo confusa.. El tipo de letra y color invitan a su lectura. Claramente organizado pero contiene algunos errores de gramática u /y  ortografía.

Gráficos y fotos se corresponden parcialmente con el contenido del proyecto. Presenta la información de forma desorganizada pero se entiende. El tipo de letra y color no invitan a su lectura. Tiene errores de gramática y ortografía que impiden su publicación.

Gráficos y fotos se corresponden parcialmente con el contenido del proyecto. La información. Se presenta de forma caótica.  El tipo de letra y color no son atractivos y no estimulan su lectura. Muchos  errores de gramática u/y ortografía.


Comunica con fluidez y sin pausas el mensaje. Enlaza las oraciones usando conectores apropiados. No comete errores gramaticales y el uso del vocabulario y entonación son apropiados. La pronunciación es correcta.

Comunica con fluidez y sin pausas el mensaje pero tiene problemas con los conectores: hace frases demasiado cortas. Comete errores gramaticales pero no impiden su comprensión y el uso del vocabulario y entonación son apropiados. La lengua materna interfiere un poco en la pronunciación.

Transmite el mensaje con indecisión  y tiene problemas para enlazar las oraciones: apenas usa los conectores. Comete errores gramaticales que afectan parcialmente a la comprensión. El uso del vocabulario y entonación no están a nivel. La lengua materna interfiere un poco en la pronunciación

Transmite el mensaje con mucha indecisión  y tiene problemas para enlazar las oraciones: apenas usa los conectores: oraciones simples. Comete errores gramaticales que afectan bastante a la comprensión. El uso del vocabulario y entonación no están a nivel. La lengua materna interfiere mucho poco en la pronunciación


Dominio claro de la expresión escrita. Bien secuenciada y progresión clara de las ideas. Construcción perfecta de las oraciones sin errores gramaticales, de vocabulario y ortografía.

Dominio de la expresión escrita. Secuenciada pero  progresión de las ideas no está clara.. Algunos errores en el orden de las palabras pero sin errores gramaticales, algún problema con el vocabulario y alguna falta de ortografía.

Dominio débil de la expresión escrita. Mal secuenciada pero con algunas ideas claras  Errores básicos en la construcción de las oraciones con errores  gramaticales, de vocabulario y ortografía que afectan a la comprensión.

Dominio muy débil de la expresión escrita. Mal secuenciada y con pocas ideas claras  Errores básicos en la construcción de las oraciones y con errores  gramaticales, de vocabulario y ortografía que afectan a la comprensión.

miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011

The Notting Hill Carnival

The Notting Hill Carnival, which takes place in West London on the August Bank Holiday Weekend (last week end of the month), is the largest street festival not only in this part of the city but also in Europe.
During this week-end the streets of Notting Hill are in a party mood, which brings lots of sounds and excitement and it attracts over two million visitors every year to the capital to enjoy what it is called the FIVE CARNIVAL DISCIPLINES: steel bands, masquerades (mas), sound systems, calypso and soca. In addition to this, they come to see groups of revellers dressed in costumes and the colourful procession of floats, to hear all the styles of music on offer, and enjoy the dances and of course the food!
The first event was held in 1964 and it is believed it has its roots in Trinidad, where a street party was organized to mark the abolition of the slave trade on the island in 1833. From the beginning, even though it was a modest celebration which gathered some Caribbean musicians and about a hundred people turned up, was a huge success.
What it started as a simple celebration, it has become a multicultural event which brings people together to celebrate their particular cultural traditions, and it attracts participants and spectators from all over the world.
No one can deny that Notting Hill Carnival is London's most vibrant street celebration!




a) To attend
b) People who enjoy themselves
c) To disguise
d) Parade
e) Started
A) The first Notting Hill carnival was held in 1833.
B) It is always held on the August Bank Holiday Weekend.
C) Its tradition came from the Caribbean.
D) It continues to be a modest street celebration.
E) Visitors come only from London and nearby cities

miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010


Once upon a time, a great many of the people in England were very unhappy because their king, King James, would not let them pray to God as they liked. So they decided to go away from their country … to Holland, but they were not happy there, so they decided to go to the New World. This new world was called America.
The real story is as follows:
The people who left England and went to Holland were Separatists, because they split away from the Church of England, being this one the reason why they were persecuted by King James I. For 12 years they lived there but life in a foreign country was not without problems. A group of English investors financed their voyage so they formed a company with them in which the merchants agreed to “adventure” their money and the pilgrims to invest their personal labour for a period of seven years. To ensure the colony´s success, the merchants recruited some other emigrants to go to the New World. The colonists from Holland bought a small ship, the Speedwell, for the voyage. They sailed back to England in July 1620, where they met the other colonists and hired a larger boat, the Mayflower, at Southampton. After they sailed, several problems with the Speedwell, forced them to leave it behind at Plymouth but the Mayflower went on alone. They headed for the mouth of the Hudson River, near the northern boundary of the Virginia colony. There were 102 people on the ship.

After a voyage of 66 days and a terrible trip, Mayflower arrived safely off Cape Cod on November 9th 1620 (another date is 19th 1620). Winter was close, so the colonists decided to settle in New England, what it is nowadays called Massachusetts and they started to build their own colony. They explored the area and chose a site which the explorer Captain John Smith had named “Plimouth Rock” some years before. Half the colonist and crew died of sickness due to malnutrition and exposure during the harsh winter season in the area. This area had been abandoned by the Patuxet Indians, ..who had nearly all died several years earlier of European diseases. Only 56 pilgrims lived. Spring came and the snow melted. They began construction of their homes and storehouses and during their work, they were surprised to be greeted in English by Samoset, a Native American from Maine. He introduced the colonists to a survivor of the Patuxet named Squanto, who became their guide and taught them how to fish, hunt and use animal skins. Seeds were planted and they made a treaty of friendship with the leaders of the Wampanoag Indian tribes. When Mayflower went back to England on April 5, 1621, none of the colonists were back. More Pilgrims came from England and more Indians came to help work.
The summer was over. Warm cabins had been built and the plants were full of food. The governor of the settlement, Governor Bradford, said “The Lord has been good to us. We will have a day of THANKSGIVING”. They invited the Indians to a feast. Pilgrims and Indians ate and ate and ate for three days. They gave thanks for good food. That was the first Thanksgiving in the New World. It was celebrated in October 1621, and it lasted three days. In 1863 President Lincoln made it a national holiday.

lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010


Halloween is the time of pumpkins, candies, ghosts, witches and much more. No one knows exactly when it was first celebrated, but it is believed that it was the Celtic people the first to celebrate this special day as the end of summer, but also the season of darkness as well as the beginning of the New Year on 1st November. Today, HALLOWEEN is celebrated in the United States more than in Europe, but long before American children started trick-or-treating, people in Scotland, England, and France looked upon October 31 as a day of ghosts and goblins.

That's the night before All Saints Day.

IN SCOTLAND, farmers paraded through fields and villages with burning torches because they thought the fire would protect them from witches and ghosts and they also carried them in hopes of a good crop for the next year.

THE ENGLISH marched through streets carrying lighted candles to drive away witches. They thought that if the candles burned until midnight, people felt they were safe.

THE IRISH hollowed out and carved turnips and potatoes which were lit from inside by candles to scare away spirits and a stingy man named Jack who was ordered to wander the earth after he died. With a lantern in his hand he began to search for a resting place on the Earth. This is the beginning of JACK-O-LANTERN.

When the Irish people came to settle the New World (America), they brought their Halloween beliefs with them. Children started playing pranks on October 31, blaming the pranks on evil goblins. Ever since, Halloween in the United States has been a night filled with creepy sounds and spooky creatures.

Throughout the centuries the cultures have added their own elements to the way Halloween is celebrated. Children love the custom of dressing-up in fancy costumes and going from door-to-door yelling "Trick-or-Treat".


martes, 12 de octubre de 2010


HALLOWEEN, the time of pumkins, candies, ghosts, witches and much more, ia usually celebrated on 31st October.

viernes, 12 de marzo de 2010


  1. Watch, at home, the following video about thanksgiving.
  2.  Then ... try to answer the BIG QUESTION

              Why is THANKSGIVING the most important holiday for the Americans?
 (Watch the video as many times you think you need to anwer the question. If you can't answer it ... use choose a video from youtube and watch it. Cpy the URL and include it in your drive portfolio: THANKSGIVING)

Do you know why we celebrate “El día de la Constitución” and why it is important?
All societies have different celebrations and ... so the Americans! They celebrate their most important festivity of the year the last Thursday of November. It’s even more important than Christmas or the summer holidays.
Many of the tales or legends begin with “Once upon a time …”. In our story, we start by saying: “Once upon a time, a great many of the people in England were very unhappy because their king would not let them pray to God as they liked. So they decided to go away from their country …”

This is just the beginning. What comes next? Who were they? What´s the Mayflower? Does Pocahontas have anything to do with this story? Lots of questions could be asked, so we are going to get to know a little bit more about the most important holiday in the United States.

Questions to be solved1. Who were the pilgrims and where did they come from?
2. When did they arrive at Plymouth? Where is it?
3. What problem did they have when they arrived there?
4. How did they solve it?
5. Who helped them to solve it and how?

martes, 9 de marzo de 2010

Halloween is celebrated on the night of October 31, most notably by children dressing in costumes and going door-to-door collecting sweets or money. It is celebrated in countries such as United States, Puerto Rico, the Republic of Ireland, the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada. Irish, Scots and other immigrants brought older versions of the tradition to North America in the 19th century. Most other Western countries have embraced Halloween as a part of American culture in the late 20th century. It has mostly being introduce in these countries at schools where English is taught as a second language.

The term Halloween is shortened from All-hallow-even, as it is the evening before "All Hallows Day". In Ireland, the name was All Hallows Eve and this name is still used by some older people. Halloween was also sometimes called All Saints' Eve.. In Mexico November 1st and 2nd are celebrated as the Day of the Dead.
Halloween is also called Pooky Night in some parts of Ireland, presumably named after the
púca, a mischievous spirit.